Amount transacted
Balance updates
More information about # of Balance Updates
Number of balance updates effected by the transaction)

Transaction stats

Block Hash
More information about block hash
Hash of the block (unique per block).
Parent Hash
More information about parent hash
Hash of the parent block - i.e., the block at the previous height.
Transaction Fees
More information about Transaction fees
Total fees paid to process the transaction.


Normalized Time
More information about normalized time
A timestamp that provides accurate ordering - i.e., it is always greater than or equal to the parent timestamp.

Balance updates

More information about balance updates
All changes to the balance of an account/address as a result of this transaction.
More information about debit
Accounts/addresses from which native coin is debited as part of this transaction)
More information about credit
Accounts/addresses from which native coin is credited as part of this transaction)
Parent block

Child block Chain tip
More information about block height
Block height for the current search result. The block height represents that block's sequence among all blocks in the blockchain (e.g., the very first block would be at Height 0, which is also known as the Genesis block).

Block info

Block Fees
Consensus Size
Physical Size